There are so many factors in addition to just what we eat and how much we exercise that have an effect on our ability to lose or maintain weight. In 1:1 coaching, I help clients explore their thought patterns, behavior cycles, habits, and even their relationships and life challenges to help uncover what may be standing in the way of a client's ability to lose or maintain their weight. Most of us love a quick fix and can end up trying for one quick fix after another to try to reach our body-related goals, but most of these methods leave us feeling unsuccessful and even unable to trust ourselves and our own bodies. We end up feeling like we have somehow failed by being unable to consistently follow a diet or exercise plan, and we can end up resenting our own bodies for not doing what we would like them to do. As a mind-body eating coach, I start with simple nutritional techniques and changes that can make a big difference, from food choices to meal timing to eating speed, and from there we go deeper to explore personal beliefs and areas of our lives that may be contributing to emotional eating, overeating, poor food choices, and an overall lack of progress toward improving the body. I help clients discover what is best for their body by becoming more and more in tune with their own body and its ever-changing needs. We often hold onto negative beliefs about our bodies and even our own selves, and continually rehearsing these thoughts can negatively impact our physiology and therefore our ability to lose or maintain our weight. By looking beyond the surface of food, body, and weight challenges, I guide clients toward the areas of our lives that are calling for our care and attention, and that can be the missing keys in creating sustainable body change as well as personal growth.